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- Click Building Materials for publications relating to building materials, painting, furnishings, etc.
- California's Energy Efficiency Standards and Indoor Air Quality
December 1994
State of California
California Energy Commission
Contains sections on Building-Related Illness and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity among others. States that available ventilation technology and practices would be inadequate to guarantee against the effects of indoor pollutants in the individual with the multiple chemical sensitivity.
- Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes by Prof. Nicholas A. Ashford, PhD, MIT, and Dr. Claudia S. Miller, M.D., University of Texas Health Science Center. Expanded version (214 pages, hardcover) of the New Jersey Dept. of Health Report that won the World Health Organization Macedo Award (1990). Available from the
National Center for Environmental Health Strategy: NCEHS
1100 Rural Avenue
Voorhees, NJ 08043
Costs $15.00 with membership to NCEHS, $17.00 for non-members.
- The Human Ecology Action League (national HEAL) has a number of publications and facts sheets having to do with chemical sensitivities and environmental illness, chronic fatigue syndrome, candida, allergies, etc. available. Write to:
Human Ecology Action League
P.O. Box 49126
Atlanta, GA 30359-1126
- Integrated Pest Management for Public and Private Schools, (draft) by Bill Forges, Director of Pest Management for Montgomery County School System inb Maryland, and Milton Thorton. Available from
33 Central Avenue
Albany, NY 12210
(518)426-9331 or (518)434-4034
- The Marin Guide, For People with Environmental Illness and Those Who Care About Them, by Susan Molloy with Caroline Summer. Write to:
Environmental Health Network
PO Box 1155
Larkspur, CA 94977
- National Academy of Science has a publication, Formaldehyde and Other Aldehydes
Write to:
Formaldehyde Institute
1330 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036-1702
- Planning for Non-Chemical School Ground Maintenance (86 pages) $10.50
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP)
P.O. Box 1393
Eugene, OR 97440
- Radiation Protection Manual, by Lita Lee PhD. Sources of radiation and how to protect yourself. Available from the N.E.E.D.S catalog for $4.95.
- Role of the Primary Care Physician in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, a special report by a group of scientists about how little primary-care physicians know about how work and environmental chemicals contribute to our illness and what we can do about it.
Institute of Medicine (1988)
Washington, DC
National Academy Press
- Toxic Carpets III, by Glenn Beebe is completed (368 pages) and now available for $12.95 plus $3.00 for postage and handling. Make checks payable to
Glenn Beebe
P.O. Box 399086
Cincinnati, OH 45239
These listings have been gathered from various sources and are presented here with the intent to provide hard won information to anyone whom it may help. If you find that the names, phone numbers, addresses or such are out of date in any way, or you feel there is a significant change or addition which should be made to these resources, please be so kind as to email us .
Disclaimer: We do not endorse people, products or services. We do not give medical advice. What works for one person does not necessarily work for another. Please check with health-care professionals of your own choice. I am not a doctor and I do not give medical advice. The author is a chemically injured person who is extremely chemically sensitive (reactive) and who has just had a lot of personal experience in trying to survive chemical insults and toxic exposures.