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Many chemically sensitive people must avoid going into stores due to the poor indoor air quality. Organic foods are best because they present fewer chemicals and pesticides for the body to try to handle. Many chemically sensitive people use co-ops which carry organic food such as or United Natural Foods (Customer Service (800) 679-6733).
- Alkaline Diet for Healing from (Thank you, Dr. Grace Ziem).
- Alkaline Diet Frequently Asked Questions
- Azure Standard (Quality Bulk and Natural Foods). They are a food co-op and also take orders over the Internet and ship UPS. 79709 Dufur Valley Road, Dufur, OR 97021. Phone 541-467-2230. Fax 541-467-2210.
- Backbone Hill Farm, 1496 Rt. 34B, King Ferry, NY 13081. 1(315)364-5177. Listed in Dr. Roger's book. "Delicious chicken, eggs, pork and lamb, free-range organic."
- C. & M. Brichard, RD #5, Box 113, Montrose, PA 18801. Organic beef, fish, vegetables.
- Chuck's Seafoods, P.O. Box 5502, Charleston, OR 97420-0613. Telephone (541) 888-5525, Fax (541) 888-2121. Chemical free, glass packed Chinook Salmon and Albacore Tuna.
- Dear Valley Farms, RD #1, Guilford, New York 13780. Meats, poultry, grains, vegetables, fruits.
- Erewhon Catalogue, 236 Washington Street, Brookline, MA 02146. 1(617)783-4561 or 1(800)222-8028.
- Espirit de Cure, 7110 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231.
- Food and Healing, by Annemarie Colbin. Ballantine Books, NY. How what you eat determines your health, your well-being, and the quality of your life.
- Goldmine Natural Foods, 1947 30th Street, San Diego, CA 92102. 1(800)475-FOOD (3663).
- Healthy Family Foods offers a good selection of natural and organic foods delivered to your door.
Healthy Family Foods, 4611-B Broad River Road, Columbia, SC 29210; (877)811-FOOD (3663). Order online at their site.
- Jaffee Brothers, P.O. Box 636, Valley Center, CA 92082-0636. Jaffee - nuts, dried fruits - excellent. Freight is expensive, best to get a group order.
- Mountain Ark Trading, Has low priced organic grains and beans. Macrobiotic catalogue.
- Nuts to You, 24 South 20th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Dried fruits, nuts, raw honey.
- On the Rise, 109 Walton Street, Syracuse, NY 1(315)475-7190. Organic breads, muffins, cookies, yeast-free rice bread.
- Organically Grown, Freedom Mall, Rome, NY 13440. 1(315)337-9332.
- Rapunzel Pure Organics, 122 Smith Road, P.O. Box 350, Kinderhook, NY 12106. (800)207-2814. They make Organic coffee, chocolates, sugar, baking powder.
- Schoenfield's Certified Organic Farm, 5680 Old Oneida Road, Rome, New York 13440. 1(315)337-0247. Many vegetables, fruits, herbs)
- Shiloh Farms, White Oak Road, Martindale, PA 17549. 1(717)354-4936.
- Stocking Up - How to Preserve the Foods You Grow Naturally, Carol Hupping Stoner, Editor of Organic Gardening Magazine. Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA.
- Ugashik Wild Salmon Company., Ugashik Village, via King Salmon, Alaska 99613. Natural Alaskan salmon packed in glass. Visit the website at They carry 9 different salmon and halibut products. All processed without chemicals or preservatives. Family owned still, for 45+ years.
- United Natural Foods Buying Clubs is a wholesale health food store catalog and monthly distributor delivery to much of California. You can call 1(800)679-6733 to see who the co-op leader is nearest to you. They sell organic produce and hundreds of pages of other things including frozen, refrigerated, unscented products, herbs, supplements, soaps, macrobiotic, etc.
- Walnut Acres is a catalog which states Whole Foods for Healthy Living. Direct from America's Original Organic Farm. Call 1(800)433-3998 for a copy of the catalog. Their address is Walnut Acres, Penns Creek, PA 17862. It is a wonderful catalog. "Everything from soup to nuts", dried fruits and nuts, flours, veggies, etc. Visit them at
- See Books for more books on diet, food preparation, etc., including books by Dr. Rogers.
These listings have been gathered from various sources and are presented here with the intent to provide hard won information to anyone whom it may help. If you find that the names, phone numbers, addresses or such are out of date in any way, or you feel there is a significant change or addition which should be made to these resources, please be so kind as to Contact Us.
Disclaimer: We do not endorse people, products or services. We do not give medical advice. What works for one person does not necessarily work for another. Please check with health-care professionals of your own choice. I am not a doctor and I do not give medical advice. The author is a chemically injured person who is extremely chemically sensitive (reactive) and who has just had a lot of personal experience in trying to survive chemical insults and toxic exposures.