
Resources for the Chemically Injured - Top
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Environmental Illness (EI): Adverse response of the body to environmental pollutants including physical phenomena, chemical or biological substances. (from page 1072, volume 2, Chemical Sensitivity, by Dr. William J. Rea)

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS): In the disease model proposed by Randolph (1956), MCS consists of an inability to adapt to chemicals and the development of responsiveness to extremely low concentrations after sensitization.

Sensitization:Sensitization to chemicals can be defined as changes in the organism, usually the immunochemical system, by exposure to a chemical, such that further chemical exposure leads to recognition by the organism. Such recognition will lead to a response that is marked by a greater reaction at lower doses than what would be observed in non-sensitized individuals. This is usually called hypersensitivity. Failure of enzyme detoxification appears to be the prime mechanism in chemical sensitivity.

These listings have been gathered from various sources and are presented here with the intent to provide hard won information to anyone whom it may help. If you find that the names, phone numbers, addresses or such are out of date in any way, or you feel there is a significant change or addition which should be made to these resources, please be so kind as to Contact Us.

Disclaimer: We do not endorse people, products or services. We do not give medical advice. What works for one person does not necessarily work for another. Please check with health-care professionals of your own choice. I am not a doctor and I do not give medical advice. The author is a chemically injured person who is extremely chemically sensitive (reactive) and who has just had a lot of personal experience in trying to survive chemical insults and toxic exposures.